June 3rd, 2015 6pm - 7.30 pm Midtown Hotel Representatives for SBNA; Ian Mackenzie,Treasurer Lee Steele, Architectural Review Lorraine Steele, Events Claire Dargan, Membership The neighborhood meeting was held at the Midtown Hotel and had about 25 attendees. Claire Dargan called the meeting to order at 6.10.pm, welcomed everyone and continued with an update on upcoming events, safety, elections and confirmation of new treasurer. Upcoming Events
Claire reported that the Summer BBQ is being planned for July 9th, 2015. Lorraine Steele was thanked for organizing this event. It is being held in the private alleyway between West Newton and Durham and everyone was encouraged to participate.The BBQ is free for paid members, otherwise $10 per person to cover annual dues. Lorraine invited members to bring an appetizer, salad or dessert, and/or help set up tables and chairs. Helpers are also needed to organize the salad and dessert tables, grill and cleanup. Safety Claire cautioned about parked vehicles in the neighborhood. Would-be thieves are routinely patrolling alleyways checking every car door seeking easy access to vehicles. Several neighbors have captured on drop-cams activity almost every evening. Neighbors were reminded about being careful about locking doors on cars and at their homes. Claire went on to mention that the Southwest Corridor park has a new bicycle patrol created by an inter-agency patrol made up of Boston Police, State Police, Transit Police and Northeastern University Police Officers. They are routinely patrolling the park from 4pm to midnight. The local community officer Sgt. Taxter is working with them to highlight problem areas. Elections The SBNA 2015 elections are being held later in the summer. Several positions are open and Claire put out the call for members to get involved. She encouraged everyone to pick up the provided sheet outlining the duties of the executive officers and committee chairs. Treasurer election There were about 25 voting members at the meeting making a quorum to nominate and elect a new treasurer. Ian Mackenzie was introduced as the person approved by the board as acting treasurer to replace the leaving Stephanie Delsignore. A motion was proposed and seconded to nominate Ian Mackenzieas full treasurer. By a raise of hands the vote was unanimous to elect Ian Mackenzie. Belvidere Dalton Presentation Speakers; Joslin Stewart, Associate Principal Architect, Cambridge Seven Associates Joe Norris, Vice President, Carpenter & Co. Inc. Lee Steele, Architectural Chair for SBNA addressed the meeting. He reiterated the importance of getting involved in the upcoming elections and becoming a member of the association. He went on to introduce the invited speakers for the Belvidere Dalton Presentation and began by giving an overview of the Belvidere Dalton Project. Lee reminded everyone that the Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) process began back in early 2009 and concluded late 2013. He has represented St Botolph Neighborhood’s interest on the CAC during more than 24 meetings. He noted that the development went through a long and thorough scrutiny. Lee introduced Joe Norris, Vice President from Carpenter & Co. the real estate developer responsible for the Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences at One Dalton and Joslin Stewart, Associate Principal Architect from Cambridge Seven Associates one of the collaborating architects on both One Dalton and 30 Dalton projects. The Christian Science Church selected architectural firms Cambridge Seven Associates and Pei Cobb Freed & Partners to design the site and Carpenter & Co and the Pritzker Realty Group to develop One and 30 Dalton respectively. The site will have two buildings. Carpenter & Co are developing the new approximately 712,500s.f. of Gross Floor Area, 61-story (“High Rise”) Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences at One Dalton and The Pritzker Realty Group is the developer for the new approximately 237,500s.f. of Gross Floor Area, 26-story (“Mid Rise”) residential tower located at 30 Dalton. Joslin Stewart, from Cambridge Seven Associates, gave a presentation on behalf of both developers with the aid of a slide show presentation. He reported that currently they are excavating down approximately 150ft down to bedrock and on schedule to have the foundation completed in two years. Project link: www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org/document-center?project=16 Claire thanked the speakers for their presentation and the meeting adjourned at 7.15pm Respectfully Submitted, SBNA Board Comments are closed.
MeetingsRead our current and past meeting minutes here. Archives
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