Come and join us in our efforts to advocate for our neighborhood, connect with our neighbors and keep this unique and special corner of Boston vibrant, welcoming and beautiful. From helping to organize a summer BBQ to distributing flyers, to jumping into helping keep our streets clean, there are so many ways to get involved. Check out our various committees and see where your time and talents fit in the best!
Spotted doing great things in the neighborhood for everyone...
Other Ways to Help
Thanks to all the titans of trash who pick up trash on a regular basis. Here are a few neighbors spotted out doing their part year round to keep the streets clean....
This committee supports effective communications that informs, influences and inspires current members. Ensures SBNA branding is consistent across all SBNA communications. Sends electronic member communications and coordinates with other committees to provide templates for non-electronic member communications (including flyers, bulletin board, and letters/postcards). Works with the Clerk to create and maintain/update SBNA website.
Current Chair: Claire Dargan |
This committee is in charge of planning and implementing social events for the neighborhood. This includes conceptualizing the event idea, publicizing the event, planning the details of the event, orchestrating the actual event, and coordinating volunteers to help with all of these tasks.
Current Chair: Joan Carragher |
SBNA Architectural Review Committee
This committee provides advisory (non-binding) input to the City Landmarks and Zoning Appeals agencies on the appropriateness of proposed real estate projects within the SBNA area. The Committee attempts to take a full neighborhood perspective while acknowledging a projects impacts on immediate abutters. When requested, the Committee performs a design review to assess whether a projects visible and non-visible alterations or additions comply with Landmarks Standards and Criteria for the St. Botolph Street Architectural Conservation District. The Committee also considers the projects (a) height and scale relative to other neighborhood structures; (b) effect on the neighborhoods residential character; and (c) impacts on population density, traffic congestion and parking demand. When requested, the Committee will issue a letter on behalf of the SBNA stating its position on a proposed project. Time commitment varies depending on the number and complexity of ongoing projects. There is a three-year residency requirement for Committee members and at least one member must be an owner-occupant who owns no more than 3 properties within the district. Architecture, architectural history, historic preservation, or construction expertise are desired.
Current Chair: Lee Steele |
Streetscape/Neighborhood Improvement/Clean-Up
This committee serves as an intermediary between the St. Botolph Neighborhood Association (SBNA) and key city departments (e.g., Engineering and Planning, Neighborhood Relations, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation) in matters relating to city sponsored large-scale capital improvement projects. Committee members work to ensure that needs and concerns of the neighborhood streetscape are heard by the appropriate City departments, appropriate action is taken, and outcomes are communicated back to the SBNA. Organizes a spring cleanup for the neighborhood;
Current Chair: Vacant |
Tree Ambassadors - Subcommittee of Streetscape
We love our trees and we're looking for interested residents to help find ways to keep our trees healthy and develop a plan to replace dead trees. If you are interested in helping
contact us. |
This committee serves as a liaison between law enforcement and the Saint Botolph community and builds a network to disseminate information concerning current criminal activity and specific actions the community and individuals can take to avoid becoming victims of a crime. Disseminates information such as crime prevention and reporting tips, crime trends and educational opportunities related to crime prevention. For more on safety go here
Current Chair: Adel Labib |