SBNA Membership
Stay in Touch
As the song says, we are a bunch of "cockeyed optimists". We would love to share what's great about this place we call home. Boston is our city, but the Saint Botolph Neighborhood is where we live. Send us your email address. You’ll receive periodic updates, notices about local public meetings, important city information, and invites to fun gatherings. Don’t worry, we never share your information! Become a Member Annual dues are $20 per year per person or $40 per year per household (April to April). Additional contributions are sincerely appreciated to defray operating costs such as communications, events and refreshments. Being a member also allows you to be part of the decision making within the association, including voting at elections. Ways to Join There are two ways to join : 1. Pay by check made out to SBNA and mail with the membership form to Saint Botolph Neighborhood Association Lorraine Steele – Treasurer 3 Durham Street #2 Boston, MA 02115 ![]()
2. Pay online with PayPal - fill in the form below and submit to be taken to payment screen.
Why Support SBNA
We believe support comes in many forms. Signing up for our updates, helping out at an event, attending a meeting, pointing out an issue, becoming a member - the list is endless.
We have a vibrant, eclectic, friendly community. You are part of it. We deserve to be represented in the halls of city government and be part of the decision making process especially when it comes to development and protecting our community. Join us. Annual Renewal: $20 per year per person or $40 per year per household.