Neighborhood Meeting Minutes 2008 – November 13, 2008, 7:15 p.m. – Susan Bailis Center The Neighborhood meeting was held at The Susan Bailis Center, Mass Avenue and St. Botolph Street. About 20 people were in attendance.President Dan Munson called the meeting to order at 7:45 mentioning the following topics to be covered: Neighborhood Updates, including development plans for Prudential and Copley Place. An overview of various citizen-watch committees such as PruPac and CAC Improved website information, where residents can read our mission: to inform about local activities and a sense of history including the success getting involved in the long-contested 116 Huntington Avenue project that ultimately resulted in improved neighborhood awareness and resolution of zoning, height, parking, traffic and other issues. Big Belly
Dan announced the installation of the long-awaited Big Belly trash compactor, with thanks to everyone involved, especially Membership Chair, Claire Dargan, and past VP, Chris Coffin. Already residents near the 7-11 are seeing a marked improvement in litter problems! Recycling is another constant issue: what are current procedures and how to inform new and established residents. At this time, single stream seems to be working well, That means that residents should NOT use plastic bags, but put everything to be recycled in the blue bins: plastic, metal and glass. Paper should be put in paper bags nearby. The new brochure has been in circulation this fall, with a brochure box under the 7-11 bulletin board that includes info from New England Conservatory. Both brochures have been “disappearing,” a sign that people like the brochure box and the brochures. Beautification Dan reported that he has purchased with his own money a regulation wrought-iron tree pit fence out front of his house at 198 St. Botolph Street. Anyone interested should contact the Back Bay Neighborhood Association, which will install, etc. Flyer Help Needed Helen Powell announced that, after several years doing the flyers, and setting up a good flyer team, she is stepping down. Her replacement should figure on spending 2 hours every 6 weeks. It is a time-sensitive project, however, meaning that the person should be able to get the 300 flyers out to 4-5 volunteers within a week of printing. Claire might be able to “advertise” this job in the holiday e-blast. Neighborhood GroupsDan outlined the following neighborhood and city associations and invited residents to participate and volunteer for these important committees. Copley Place CAC Representative: Morgan Pierson (Note: Barry Tepper, a resident of West Newton is also on this panel as a representative from PMAC.) Purpose: Represents SBNA on the review process of the proposed addition to Copley Place above Niemen Marcus. Formed just a few months ago and will go on for several years and then disband. Christian Science CAC Representative: TBD (waiting on Mayor’s selection of one appointment from the three nominees.) Purpose: Represents SBNA on the review process of the proposed (and yet unannounced) changes to the Christian Science Plaza. We expect the selection to be announced shortly and will disband upon completion of the process in a few years. PruPac The Prudential Project Advisory Committee, the official Citizens Advisory Committee to the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Contact: [email protected], 617-918-4349 Representatives: Bob Bradley and Nancy Restuccia Purpose: Represents SBNA on the review process of the overall Prudential Center complex including the current addition on Exeter Street and Boylston Street. This is the grand daddy of CACs having been formed in the 80s or 90s with no end insight. PMAC Representatives: Barry Tepper and Karen Wynne. (They coordinate so that there is always one in attendance.) Purpose: Represents the SBNA on the state panel that oversees the Southwest Corridor Park. The group meets once a month and includes representatives of the abutting neighborhoods, State Police, Boston Police, Park Management and sometimes City Councilors. Landmarks District Commission Representative: Currently being addressed Purpose: Represents the SBNA in the architectural review process of any permit impacting the outside of any building in the neighborhood (a protected architectural district.) Our representatives represent the voice of the neighborhood in the review process and are an official city committee which has to approve all permits. This is somewhat duplicated by our own Architectural Committee which is unofficial and carries no weight. Rob DiNinni volunteered to be on this committee. The Southwest Corridor Park is managed by the DCR, Department of Conservation and Recreation, Boston Division of Urban Parks & Recreation. MDC, Metropolitan District Commission, no longer in existence South End Lower Roxbury Open Space Land Trust (SELROSLT) is a membership-supported, non-profit organization that owns, protects, and manages 16 community gardens and pocket parks in the South End and Lower Roxbury neighborhoods of Boston, [email protected], (617) 437-0999 SW Corridor Park Conservancy, green park volunteers. The St. Botolph Neighborhood Association, has agreed to work with the Conservancy and post a link to their organization on its website. [email protected]. Dan d’Heilly, [email protected] Copley CAC Presentation Morgan Pierson, CAC Botolph representative to this important neighborhood group, gave a complete update on this large, Copley Place extension to Neiman Marcus. He reported that it will be a big job setting up the building foundation, coordinating with the Mass Pike, correcting the tunnel under Dartmouth. Meeting participants suggested there be additional efforts to resolve the loading dock situation on Dartmouth and also get some funds from Simon Properties, project developers, to help fund Corridor maintenance since their project will enter from the corridor, whose funding from the city has completely dried up. There was agreement that, at the next neighborhood meeting, we discuss the use of public art and water features as elements to suggest to Simon Properties. Corridor Planting Conservancy Representative, Dan d’Heilly, invited residents to help plant spring bulbs this weekend, Saturday morning, November 15. City Relations It was suggested that Nancy Restuccia continue communication with newly-elected official, Sonia Chang-Diaz, to get awareness of and support for the Botolph neighborhood. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 Respectfully submitted, Helen Powell, Clerk Comments are closed.
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